Get to Know Me...

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A graduate of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. Hardworking, competent, and persistent to job prospects. I never give up, even if it takes me a hundred tries. I can easily adapt to new working conditions with considerable training and conditioning. I have good communication skills and relate appropriately with various types of personalities; gifted with a charm in dealing with people. People know me as someone who loves to socialize. That even on my worst day, I have the gift of the gab. Despite of my weaknesses and gaps, I can still be able to work things out. I make my life out to be exactly how I want it and there is always a touch of art in everything I do.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Format for the Midterm Written Report

IT 146
Ethics for IT Professional and Related Laws
The format for your business scandal written report is enumerated and discuss below.( minimum of at least 2 pages)
Font style: Times New Roman
Font size: 12
Paper size: Letter

Title Page
This contains the title of the written report. You create a title for the business scandal assigned to you. A specific title that will relate to the business scandal. You can start make use of  those creative mind of yours.
What is the company? What does the company do? What are its services? Who are its customers?
The Business Scandal
This section introduces the business scandal. Who are involved? What are the consequences faced by every person involved?
The Ethical Issues
This is all about the ethical behavior and obligations that must have been forgotten of the people involved. Give your arguments for each ethical obligation.
The Conclusion
Give your concluding paragraph that summarizes the business scandal and conclude its effect to you and to the community.
Reference List
List your references for your information gathered.

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