Get to Know Me...

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A graduate of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. Hardworking, competent, and persistent to job prospects. I never give up, even if it takes me a hundred tries. I can easily adapt to new working conditions with considerable training and conditioning. I have good communication skills and relate appropriately with various types of personalities; gifted with a charm in dealing with people. People know me as someone who loves to socialize. That even on my worst day, I have the gift of the gab. Despite of my weaknesses and gaps, I can still be able to work things out. I make my life out to be exactly how I want it and there is always a touch of art in everything I do.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Internet Filtering Software: A help to Parents!

Free Speech Rights Apply in Cyberspace...(adopted)

The US Supreme Court has ruled that free-speech rights granted under the Constitution apply in cyberspace. Reno v. ACLU (No. 96-511, June 26, 1997), a historic ruling released June 26, 1997, strikes down two key provisions of the Communications Decency Act, a federal law that sought to impose restrictions on material placed on the internet.

The Court also acknowledged the availability of systems that have been developed to help parents control material that maybe accessed through a home computer with Internet access (examples include Net Nanny, SurfWatch and Cyber Patrol). Such filtering software can be used to limit a computer’s access to only an approved list of sources that have been identified as containing no adult material or may be configured to block designated inappropriate sites. It may also be set up to block messages containing identifiable objectionable features.

 With these Internet filtering software, it could really be a help to parents.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Format for the Midterm Written Report

IT 146
Ethics for IT Professional and Related Laws
The format for your business scandal written report is enumerated and discuss below.( minimum of at least 2 pages)
Font style: Times New Roman
Font size: 12
Paper size: Letter

Title Page
This contains the title of the written report. You create a title for the business scandal assigned to you. A specific title that will relate to the business scandal. You can start make use of  those creative mind of yours.
What is the company? What does the company do? What are its services? Who are its customers?
The Business Scandal
This section introduces the business scandal. Who are involved? What are the consequences faced by every person involved?
The Ethical Issues
This is all about the ethical behavior and obligations that must have been forgotten of the people involved. Give your arguments for each ethical obligation.
The Conclusion
Give your concluding paragraph that summarizes the business scandal and conclude its effect to you and to the community.
Reference List
List your references for your information gathered.

List of corporate scandals

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Spices and Pieces

The Perspective: The Impact of Computer Technology

I can never rebut life’s principle of contentment but with man’s level of intelligence, it is always a never-ending desire to discover, invent and innovate. Looking at our society now, we can testify how far man has gone in developing as well as destroying his environment. We cannot escape this fact. We are totally bombarded by the various imaginable and even unimaginable discoveries of humankind. Airplanes may be one, but there’s a lot more!

While typing this article I realize how fast I am in working on it through this book-sized gadget which I can fold crosswise and carry anywhere I go. Oh yes!  I am using a laptop at this moment and something comes across into my mind—a great “discovery” which has been with us all along.

            A famous and wealthy man named Bill Gates once said that “personal computers have become the most empowering tool we’ve ever created. They’re tools of communication, they’re tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.” Indeed, computer technology brought many changes in the present society which has affected individuals and the way they live.

            It’s not surprising then that the growth and innovations of computer brought along with it many aspects of business. Documents and forms of communication in business industries become more paperless and convenient. It bridges distance and utilizes corporate time efficiently. Exchanging information through e-mails and other networking sites can still create effective communication but in a more efficient way. 

In reality, the business and organization would really find it difficult or impossible to function without information technology. Moreover, the heart of the company and offices is their daily operations where most employees take part. Thus, whether you will be in the top level or not, you are expected to have a skill, even a bit, in operating and working through a computer. Nowadays, it’s just inevitable.

I know that I am sharing an idea that common sense can provide. I even presumed that you are more knowledgeable of these facts. Why should we talk about this? Let me get to my point. It cannot be denied that computers have also been used for one’s own advantage while bringing prejudice and injustice to others. Some men fail to internalize the real essence of this discovery. For this reason, we see more of the faults and defects rather than the conspicuous goodness of the thing. This should not be! Yes, we might see loopholes at one point but it’s not the entirety. In the end, we still need it to become productive as we go out and conquer the field of business and industry. Let’s give and make the best out of it.

Perhaps, most of the good things are in our hands or in front of us but for some reasons we still look beyond.